Hire the Top 3% of Freelance Computer Scientists

Toptal is a marketplace for dedicated Computer Scientists. 顶级公司和初创公司选择Toptal Computer Science自由职业者进行关键任务的计算机科学开发项目.

No-Risk Trial, Pay Only If Satisfied.

Hire Freelance Computer Scientists

Tamás Orosz

Freelance Computer Scientist
HungaryToptal Member Since December 1, 2020

Tamás是一名高级c++开发人员,拥有数十年的各种项目经验. 他在Windows上创建了世界级的CAD系统,在Unix上创建了铁路控制系统,等等. His programs run at the Italian Railways, log home companies in the US, and many architects' computers, 包括哈利法塔的建造者和卢森堡的许多土木工程师.

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Roman Vlasov

Freelance Computer Scientist
GermanyToptal Member Since December 8, 2020

Roman曾在Meta工作,拥有15年的3D和VR软件开发经验,拥有博士学位.D. in computer science. He has led and worked on projects of all sizes, from scoping requirements to launch, primarily focusing on VR/AR, games, 3D interactive applications, CAD, and computer vision. With expertise in various languages and platforms, like C++, Java, and C#, Roman has designed and developed cutting-edge products, including VR arcade games, facial recognition, and advanced medical imaging.

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Jesper Kristensen

Freelance Computer Scientist
United StatesToptal Member Since September 19, 2022

Jesper喜欢解决问题和帮助开发下一代工程系统. 他被一种创造卓越解决方案的强烈动力所激励,并致力于在推动公司前进的同时接受挑战. Jesper喜欢按照预算工作,并在严格的时间限制下交付——这既具有挑战性又令人兴奋.

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Conor Sweeney

Freelance Computer Scientist
United StatesToptal Member Since May 31, 2021

Conor是一位经验丰富的iOS软件工程师和计算机科学博士候选人, focusing on the intersection of machine learning and software systems. Notable clients include NBC, Google, Amazon, CNBC, Bravo, and E!. 他开发了一款应用程序,用户可以在其中安排到当地无家可归者收容所和施粥处取食物, track the status of volunteers, and send real-time updates. Conor与一般软件工程师的区别在于他对复杂问题的创造性解决方案.

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Brendan Ritter

Freelance Computer Scientist
United StatesToptal Member Since November 11, 2021

Brendan在过去的五年里一直在Raytheon BBN担任全栈工程师, developing pathfinding and scheduling applications for several clients, including the US Air Force and Pentagon. 他拥有Olin College of Engineering的计算机科学学士学位和Cornell University的计算机科学硕士学位, Brendan对自由职业很感兴趣,因为他愿意在许多不同的领域学习和工作,同时为具有挑战性的技术项目做出贡献.

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Shanshan Wang

Freelance Computer Scientist
United StatesToptal Member Since June 3, 2022

姗姗是一名数据科学家和机器学习工程师,拥有多种技术技能,在有效的项目和团队领导方面有着良好的记录. Her expertise includes machine learning, process simulation, optimization, end-to-end development, and deployment on cloud infrastructure like AWS.

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Florian Bolgar

Freelance Computer Scientist
FranceToptal Member Since April 1, 2020

从11岁起,Florian就开始编程,这已经成为他的第二天性. In particular, during his studies in mathematics, physics, and computer science at the prestigious Grande École in France (E.N.S. Ulm), and the four subsequent years as a teacher and a developer, he learned to master parallelization and low-level programming in C, Fortran, and Python. Florian is very versatile, quick to learn, and a very efficient programmer.

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Nimrod Talmon

Freelance Computer Scientist
IsraelToptal Member Since June 28, 2021

Nimrod is a researcher, consultant, 在软件架构和开发方面拥有12年经验和专业知识的开发人员, mathematical modeling, and algorithm development, in fields such as mathematical optimization, AI, algorithmic game theory, and operations research. Early in his career, Nimrod was a software engineer and tech team lead at Google, and he holds a PhD in computer science. 从博学的角度来看,他的EBS号码是Erdös 3, Sabbath 7,还有Bacon 6.

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Stefan Fischer

Freelance Computer Scientist
South KoreaToptal Member Since September 1, 2021

Stefan is an experienced C# and .NET developer and software architect, mainly focusing on back-end application services, 然而,拥有广泛的专业技能,可以为复杂和具有挑战性的项目提供端到端的帮助. 他还掌握了电子设计等多个知识领域的各种带外技能, 2D and 3D CAD construction, 3D printing, 以及帮助他快速了解客户特定需求的制造方法.

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Jakob Vukalovic

Freelance Computer Scientist
CroatiaToptal Member Since January 26, 2021

Jakob是一名软件工程师,拥有萨格勒布大学计算机硕士学位, specializing in computer engineering. He has significant experience in cross-platform software development, primarily utilizing Python and C/C++ in his projects.

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Thomas Wuillemin

Freelance Computer Scientist
CyprusToptal Member Since October 2, 2021

Thomas is a seasoned senior back-end developer and architect. 在过去的二十年里,他有机会在不同的环境中工作. 他的经验使他能够提供最适合业务需求的解决方案, robustness expectations, and stakeholders' timelines. Coming from the Java world, Thomas nonetheless favors a pragmatic approach regarding technical decisions.

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Toptal in the press

... 允许公司快速组建具有特定项目所需技能的团队.


Our clients
Creating an app for the game
Conor Kenney
Creating an app for the game
Leading a digital transformation
Elmar Platzer
Leading a digital transformation
Building a cross-platform app to be used worldwide
Building a cross-platform app to be used worldwide
Drilling into real-time data creates an industry game changer
Drilling into real-time data creates an industry game changer
Tripcents wouldn't exist without Toptal. Toptal Projects使我们能够与产品经理一起快速发展我们的基金会, lead developer, and senior designer. In just over 60 days we went from concept to Alpha. The speed, knowledge, expertise, and flexibility is second to none. Toptal团队是tripcents的一部分,就像tripcents的任何内部团队成员一样. They contributed and took ownership of the development just like everyone else. We will continue to use Toptal. As a startup, they are our secret weapon.

Brantley Pace

CEO & Co-Founder

I am more than pleased with our experience with Toptal. 和我一起工作的专业人员在几个小时内就和我通了电话. I knew after discussing my project with him that he was the candidate I wanted. I hired him immediately and he wasted no time in getting to my project, 甚至通过添加一些很棒的设计元素来增加我们的整体外观.

Paul Fenley


与我合作的开发者都非常出色——聪明、有动力、反应灵敏. It used to be hard to find quality engineers and consultants. Now it isn't.

Ryan Rockefeller


Toptal understood our project needs immediately. We were matched with an exceptional freelancer from Argentina who, from Day 1, immersed himself in our industry, blended seamlessly with our team, understood our vision, and produced top-notch results. Toptal makes connecting with superior developers and programmers very easy.

Jason Kulik


作为一家资源有限的小公司,我们不能犯代价高昂的错误. Toptal为我们提供了一位经验丰富的程序员,他能够立即投入工作并开始做出贡献. It has been a great experience and one we'd repeat again in a heartbeat.

Stuart Pocknee


How to Hire Computer Scientists Through Toptal


Talk to One of Our Industry Experts

A Toptal director of engineering will work with you to understand your goals, technical needs, and team dynamics.

Work With Hand-Selected Talent

几天之内,我们将为你的项目介绍合适的计算机科学家. Average time to match is under 24 hours.

The Right Fit, Guaranteed

与你的新计算机科学家一起工作一段试用期(满意才付薪水), ensuring they're the right fit before starting the engagement.


  • How are Toptal Computer scientists different?

    At Toptal, 我们彻底筛选我们的计算机科学家,以确保我们只匹配你的人才的最高水准. Of the more than 200,000 people who apply to join the Toptal network each year, fewer than 3% make the cut. 你将与工程专家(而不是一般的招聘人员或人力资源代表)一起了解你的目标, technical needs, and team dynamics. 最终的结果是:经过专家审查的人才从我们的网络,定制匹配,以满足您的业务需求.

  • Can I hire Computer scientists in less than 48 hours through Toptal?

    Depending on availability and how fast you can progress, 你可以在注册后48小时内开始与计算机科学家合作.

  • What is the no-risk trial period for Toptal Computer scientists?

    我们确保您和您的计算机科学家之间的每次约定都从长达两周的试用期开始. This means that you have time to confirm the engagement will be successful. If you’re completely satisfied with the results, 我们会给你开时间单的,你愿意多久我们就多久. If you’re not completely satisfied, you won’t be billed. From there, we can either part ways, 或者我们可以为您提供另一位可能更合适的专家,我们将与他开始第二轮谈判, no-risk trial.

Tap Into World-Class Talent

  • Trusted Experts Only

    Trusted Experts Only

    All of our talent are seasoned experts who ramp up quickly, readily contribute as core team members, and work with you to minimize onboarding time.

  • The Right Fit

    The Right Fit

    We have a knack for matching you with the right fit. 在无风险的试用期开始和你的新员工一起工作,只在满意的情况下付钱.

  • Scale as Needed

    Scale as Needed


  • Seamless Hiring

    Seamless Hiring

    We handle all aspects of billing, payments, and NDA’s. Let us take care of the overhead while you focus on building great products.

  • Flexible Engagements

    Flexible Engagements

    Choose the engagement type that suits your needs — hourly, part-time, or full-time — with the ability to change anytime.

  • Expert Talent Matching

    Expert Talent Matching


Top Computer Scientists Are in High Demand.

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